My 2nd day of placement finished

I absolutely LOVE placement!! It makes me so much more excited knowing I have chosen the right career path. I always stress to the point of making myself sick prior to placement beginning, however seem to settle in quite fast and feel at ease. Jumped into my first teaching session today with show and tell, modeled writing, maths and science with my Prep’s and Year 1’s. Well they certainly gave me a run for my money not even 2 minutes into the session…..and of course I had the principal, my USQ liaison and 2 school auditors observing me!!! Talk about embarrassing! I turned around and re-gathered myself, and started thinking about behaviour techniques I could implement. I (think) I successfully turned the lesson around and managed to finish up the science lesson with hardly any hiccups along the way. So my night so far has consisted of researching more behaviour techniques and more effective fast finishers activities to keep the children engaged. Definitely learnt something from today and will be something I carry onto my other placements with me. I can’t really complain about the behaviour though as it is something that rarely occurs and the children really are great! In fact the whole school is great! Hope all the other Pre-Service Educators are enjoying their professional placements as well, I look forward to reading a lot more about everyone’s experiences.

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